Hey guys! This is a little quiz I found about fashion and i'm going to put my answers but you can copy and paste the quiz and put it on your blog for others to see and for you too take! Let's get started!! **NOBODY GET OFFENDED BY SOME OF MY ANSWERS.. LOL**
1. What's a fashion item that you absolutely HATE?
I hate Maxi Dresses. Ya know, those long dresses. I hate them so much. They're cute on younger kids but on kids 2 years younger than me and up, NUH-UH.. Not a good choice. Sorry to anyone that wears them in the pre-teen category.
2. What fashion item to you absolutely LOVE?
I love Osiris, Vans, and slippers.. haha. Osiris are cute and comfy as well as Vans. I actually have a pair of Vans but I have a boys pair because I didn't like any of the girl ones. haha. Slippers are just plain old soft, fuzzy, and make you feel cozy. I mean, who doesn't love slippers? ( Probably people with furry feet.. hehe)
3. What are you top 3 FAVORITE stores? ( In order of how much you love them. )
1. Forever 21
2. Delia's
3. 77 Kids ( Pre-teen American Eagle. )
4. What shoes do you prefer in the summer time?: Sneakers or FlipFlops
Probably flip-flops. First of all, most of the flip-flops are comfy and second of all, your feet get to breath in the hot summer air. Like seriously, do you want socks and shoes on in the middle of 99 degree weather in the summer? No. I didn't think so. haha.
5. How often do you go clothes shopping?
I go shopping maybe once or twice within 2 months.. Well, major shopping. My mom usually picks up clothes for me when she goes shopping during her lunch break and sometimes when my mom is in a adults clothes store, I'll maybe find like a bracelet or necklace I like and I may or may not buy it.
6. What clothes do you normally wear to school for each season. ( Fall, Winter, Summer, Spring. )
Fall: Dark-washed skinny jeans, Uggs or sneakers, graphic tee-shirt or crop top, hair down with head band and bangs clipped back and lastly my hot pink, furry North face.
Winter: Sweatpants or skinny jeans, t-shirt, sweatshirt (North face or Track Sweatshirt), hair down, head band in, bangs clipped back, and I wear Uggs at least every day.
Spring: Bremuda shorts (jean ones or colored ones), occasionally colored pants, lace or colorful shirt, sandals or sneakers, belts, ponytail, headband, bangs clipped back.
Summer: Soffee's ( they're super comfy.), jean short shorts, colored flip flops, pony tail, bangs clipped back, tank tops, t-shirts, and lastly my favorite and most fashionable; sunglasses.
That's pretty much it for the quiz. Sorry if it was too many words.. I just answered the questions truthfully and I have a LOT to say. So try this quiiiiizzz and send me the link to your blog so I know you did this!!! :)
Adios! **Fashion Post soon to comeee!!!**
~Nicole Vad (;